Quote of the Day: Zen Saying

Beautiful church gardens along Lake Shore - Oakville

Beautiful church gardens along Lake Shore – Oakville

“Burn the scriptures.”
~ Zen Saying

This is a popular response from many masters throughout various Buddhist and Zen stories.

While at first glance it may seem slightly blasphemous or disrespectful towards the scriptures and ancient knowledge contained therein, the reality is quite the opposite.

What this saying truly means is to let go of our attachments even to scriptures, to release from our dependency on the words and concepts.

You see, some people hold tight to the scriptures – rigid, stubborn, and unchanging – like others do to other various things like status, image, certain types of foods, lifestyle, etc. It is merely another layer of delusion keeping us from true understanding and liberation.

So as wonderful and important as the scriptures are, release and remember that true freedom is always around us, in each moment of every day.

We need not scriptures, a quiet setting, or even a wise master to find it. These are mere tools to assist us. Do not become dependent on them.

Have a wonderful day! xo

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