Tagged with yoga

Yoga Poses: Anuvittasana

Yoga Poses: Anuvittasana

Anuvittasana ‘standing back bend’ is a basic pose that allows us to work on opening the chest and strengthening the spine for deeper back bends. Standing with the feet fairly close together and the head, neck, and spine in straight alignment, relax the body and breathe deeply, finding your stability and ease. Use your exhale … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Yoga Poses: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Utthita hasta padangusthasana ‘raised hand to toe pose’ is another challenging hip-opener with the added benefit of balance and coordination. It can be performed with the leg out to the side (pictured above) or with the leg held out straight in front of the body (pictured below). Stand upright with the feet together and the … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Eka Pada Rajakapotanasana

Yoga Poses: Eka Pada Rajakapotanasana

Eka pada rajakapotanasana ‘one-legged king pigeon pose’ is a deep hip-opening and back-bending pose that takes time and consistency of practice to move deeper into. Begin by coming to a table-top position on all fours, hands aligned under the shoulders and knees aligned under the hips. Slide your right knee towards the right arm, bringing … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Naukasana

Yoga Poses: Naukasana

Naukasana ‘boat pose’ is also known as Navasana and is a strengthening seated pose that is part of the Pawanmuktasana 2 (abdominal/digestive) series. In the full expression you will be able to raise the arms and legs quite high (pictured above), but if you find it hard to balance or you aren’t able to keep the … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Vajrasana

Yoga Poses: Vajrasana

Vajrasana ‘thunderbolt pose’ is a basic seated pose that has powerful internal benefits to the mind, body, and spirit. Kneel on the floor with your knees and feet together, heels separated and buttocks sitting comfortably in the seat of the feet, heels touching the hips. If this is not comfortable, use a pillow, bolster, or rolled … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Natarajasana

Yoga Poses: Natarajasana

Natarajasana ‘Lord Shiva’s pose’ is a standing balancing pose that opens the chest, the lungs, and the heart, stimulating the anahata (4th, heart) chakra. Standing tall, centered, and in alignment, breathe deeply and find peace and focus. Find a spot in front of you to keep your gaze on as you move into the pose. … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Ardha Chandrasana (Anjaneyasana)

Yoga Poses: Ardha Chandrasana (Anjaneyasana)

Ardha Chandrasana ‘half moon pose’ is also known as Anjaneyasana ‘low lunge pose’ is one of the main components of the traditional Surya Namaskar ‘Sun Salutations’ flow. (You can watch a time-lapsed video of Surya Namaskar on my Instagram here.) From a standing position, use the inhale to raise the arms overhead, lengthening the spine, and then … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Chaturanga Dandasana

Yoga Poses: Chaturanga Dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana “four-limbed staff pose” is a base pose to become comfortable in before advancing to more difficult poses requiring a certain level of core, shoulder, and arm strength. From Parvatasana (Adho Mukha Savasana) known as Downward Dog, move forward into a high plank. Use your exhale to lower down to the ground, engaging the … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Baka Dhyanasana

Yoga Poses: Baka Dhyanasana

Baka dhyanasana ‘patient crane pose’ is also known simply as ‘crow pose’. Squatting on the floor, place your hands on the floor with your fingers spread wide so the weight is distributed evenly and not too centered over your wrists, with your fingers pointing forward and elbows slightly bent. Lean forward and bring the knees … Continue reading