Macrobiotic Book List

Zen Macrobiotics by George Ohsawa
The George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation describes this book as ‘The book that started it all’ – really the essential book on Ohsawa macrobiotic philosophy.

Essential Ohsawa by George Ohsawa
A comprehensive compilation of many of Ohsawa’s most influential teachings, combined with photographs and personal anecdotes that introduce you to the man behind the philosophy.  One of the best books for those interested in learning about macrobiotic philosophy.

Modern-Day Macrobiotics by Simon G. Brown and Dragana G. Brown
This book presents a short summary of the history and philosophy of macrobiotics and outlines the energies of food. It breaks down the nutritional content of each type of whole food and how each rates on the glycemic index. A good part of this book is spent talking about each of the different food/diet groups (e.g. grains, vegetables, fermented foods, nuts and seeds, fish and seafood, etc.) and their specific health benefits and nutritional facts. The book presents a one-day eating plan, a three-day detox plan, a ten-day regeneration plan, and a four-month healing plan. Each plan comes with sample menu ideas as well as variations based on season. It also includes tips on shortcuts, fast meals, and eating out, and finishes with a section of more than 75 recipes.

The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics by Julie S. Ong
This simple but informative book presents a good history of macrobiotics as well as an introduction to the energies of the seasons. It talks about what to avoid, how to plan menus, and how to be creative with food. The majority of the book is dedicated to recipes: about 150 of them. Each recipe has an introduction that talks about the nutritional content and health benefits of the recipe and usually also include ideas for variations.

The Hip Chick’s Guide to Macrobiotics by Jessica Porter
A really funny read because Jessica Porter truly captures the inner attitude and thoughts of the average modern woman who finds herself face-to-face with the concept of macrobiotics. As much a personal memoire as it is a culinary text, it keeps you engaged with storyline while you begin to take in macrobiotic philosophy. Jessica discusses the 12 Laws of Change of the Infinite Universe, as first presented by George Ohsawa, and then implements phases of how to bring macrobiotics into your own life. More than 80 recipes are dotted throughout the book.

Basic Macrobiotics Cooking by Julia Ferre
A classic text on the procedures of grain and vegetable cooking, Julia thoroughly covers every type of food and their various cooking methods, macrobiotic theory and menu planning, menu suggestions, kitchen hints, and even cooking tools and cutting styles.

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell
Based on the 20-year China Study, one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition, this book is all about the link between diet and health. No matter how much you already know on the topic of holistic nutrition, this book will teach you something new. Campbell brings real science to the table in his discussions throughout the book.
Excerpt available at:

The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World by John Robbins
Author of the famous “Diet for a New America”, John Robbins writes with a friendly yet passionate attitude that helps the reader easily digest the wealth of information presented throughout this book. Not only does it speak about the implications of our diet choices in terms of health and diesease, but it also addresses the consequences – both local and worldwide –  of the North American factory farm industry, all the while promoting a whole foods, plant-based diet. This book tackles the truth behind the politics of food, health, and economy in a way that is both factual and nonjudgemental.


Note: More books will be added to this list as I continue to go through them myself so that my short summaries are really reflective of the content of each book.

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